Now available in stores and online at your favorite retailers!

HOW IT WORKS a cleaner clean

Central part of a woman's body  dressed in blue jeans, red jacket and white shirt with pockets filled with live plants and flowers.Macro shot of eucalyptus leaves.

made without:

Magic Eraser OriginalArtificial Preservatives
Magic Eraser Variety PackDyes
Magic Eraser Ultra BathThickeners
Magic Eraser Ultra FoamyBrighteners

vinegar alone isn’t
powerful enough

Even though vinegar has low pH cleaning power, it isn’t powerful enough on its own to clean the hard water problems around your home. That’s because the vinegar you buyat the store isn’t concentrated enough to clean on its own, especially when mixed with water.

In fact, vinegar’s low pH gets neutralized almost immediately when it comes into contact with water, meaning it loses its cleaning power almost as soon as you use it.

shop now
shop nowThis image shows 9 Elements Citrus Laundry Detergent alongside an illustration of bottles, indicating that 5 cups of vinegar are equivalent to one bottle of 9 Elements. This helps the user understand the vinegar concentration.
Soak GifHow It Works Teddybear

try our 20 minute soak

  • 9 Elements Laundry Detergent

  • Large bucket, sink, or tub

  • Water

STEP 1. Using the water temperature recommended on the care tag label, fill your bucket, sink, or tub with enough water to fully submerge the garment.

STEP 2. Combine the following recommended amounts of either 9 Elements Purifying Softener or 9 Elements Laundry Detergent with water. 9 Elements Laundry Detergent:

  • 2/3 cup of detergent to 9 1/3 cups of water. If more solution is needed to submerge the garment, increase the amounts proportionately (7% detergent to 93% water).

STEP 3. Soak the garment for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

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